6 sept 2014

A Palestinian man on Saturday died of wounds sustained in Israel's assault on the Gaza Strip, medical sources said.
The man was identified as Mahmoud al-Sheikh Eid al-Zamili.
Medical sources said al-Zamili was seriously injured after Israeli forces targeted Rafah with heavy artillery shelling in early August. He was then transferred to a hospital in Egypt.
On Saturday, his body was brought back to Gaza through the Rafah crossing in preparation for his funeral.
Over 2,100 Palestinians, most of them civilians, were killed in Israel's seven-week assault on the Gaza Strip.
The man was identified as Mahmoud al-Sheikh Eid al-Zamili.
Medical sources said al-Zamili was seriously injured after Israeli forces targeted Rafah with heavy artillery shelling in early August. He was then transferred to a hospital in Egypt.
On Saturday, his body was brought back to Gaza through the Rafah crossing in preparation for his funeral.
Over 2,100 Palestinians, most of them civilians, were killed in Israel's seven-week assault on the Gaza Strip.

By Khalid Amayreh in occupied Palestine
It is really hard to underestimate the brutal ugliness of the Jewish-Zionist mentality. This is why serious and honest writers should never flinch from comparing Israel, its actions and behaviors with Nazi Germany, its actions and behavior.
Some writers and intellectuals would simply cringe and cower at the first test. They would betray their conscience as soon as the Judeo-Nazis start hurling at them the false charges of anti-Semitism.
They would stop calling the spade a spade, especially when they see the figurative implement firmly in the evil hands of the Judeo-Nazis, the Zionist Jews, and the Nazis of our time.
Others, who value their rectitude and moral conscience, wouldn't be intimidated by the vociferousness of Zionist barking.
But these are few in numbers, and are likely to suffer marginalization and estrangement as a result of upholding their moral conscience.
Well, truly great people are always small in number.
Investigating Hamas's crimes!
A few days ago, the Israeli media reported that some Zionist circles had urged UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to investigate the apparently accidental death of a Jewish settler child during the recent Israeli holocaust in Gaza.
Three or four Israeli civilians were killed purportedly by projectiles fired from the Gaza Strip on nearby Jewish settlements. But there has been no independent or third- party confirmation that the few civilian casualties on the Israeli side were indeed caused by the nearly notoriously inaccurate and virtually innocuous rockets fired from the besieged Gaza Strip.
On the other hand, it is now confirmed beyond any shred of doubt that as many as 2200 Palestinians, mostly innocent civilians, were brutally murdered and that as many as 13,000 others were wounded, many with serious injuries and disabilities that would stay with them for the rest of their lives.
It is also believed that as many as 500 Palestinian children were killed and several thousand others were injured in the recent Gaza holocaust.
In addition to human losses, the Israeli forces utterly destroyed some 50,000 houses, and many other buildings. Hospitals, colleges and other public buildings were also destroyed. Some Old German citizens have compared the recent Gaza holocaust with the fire-storm bombing of the city of Dresden in 1945.
Satanic Mentality
For those unaware of the Talmudic mentality that shapes and rules the collective classical Jewish-Zionist mind, it may be difficult to understand the fact that most Jews in Israel and abroad give far more attention to the death of a single Jewish child than they would give to the mass murder of thousands of non-Jewish children. The classical Jewish motto, proclaimed by most Zionist rabbis is that a thousand Arab lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail!
Yet this factual truth, which no amount of hasbara (Zionist propaganda) or disinformation or deliberate malicious lies could blur or obliterate, is an outstanding fact of life in Israel today.
Look, this is not a theatrical propaganda contest between a Palestinian writer and the Israeli hasbara machine. I am always willing and ready to prove the veracity of every word I write and substantiate every accusation I make against Zionist Jews...
I actually challenge any Jewish writer or intellectual from Tel Aviv to New York and from Sydney to Los Angeles to prove me wrong. But I won't stop calling the spade a spade especially when the spade happens to be in the hands of my people's grave-diggers.
Besides, I' m not really overly eager to demonize Jews or their religion. In fact, I am mainly interested in making people, including Jews; discover the extent to which Zionist supremacists have deviated from the authentic teachings of Judaism, the Judaism of the Ten Commandments, upon which universal morality is more or less based.
We do know that any credible moral system based on the Ten Commandments must utterly reject the murder of innocent human beings. It would also reject the oppression of man by his fellow man. The Jewish Bible does contain numerous verses reminding Israelites to be just and refrain from oppressing others….because you were oppressed by the Pharaohs in the Land of Egypt.
For example, in Exodus: 22: 21, The Almighty warns the Israelites (e.g. Jews) against even mistreating others, let alone murdering them. "You must not mistreat or oppress foreigners in any way. Remember, you yourselves were once foreigners in the land of Egypt."
Now, in light of the genocidal atrocities Israel has been meting out to the helpless and unprotected Palestinians, one might really wonder what type of Bible these Judo-Nazi thugs, people like Binyamin Netanyahu, Moshe Yaalon and other war criminals, are following. Are they following the Bible of Moses or the Bible of Hitler? Do they obtain their moral ideals from the Ten Commandments or from Mein Kampf?
These are extremely legitimate and fundamental questions that ought to be invoked if one takes God, religion and even morality seriously.
Evil Cult
The truth of the matter, at least as this writer sees it, is that the present Judaism as practiced by the bulk of world Jewry has actually nothing to do with the true, authentic Judaism, which the Almighty revealed unto Moses.
What else can be said of a "religion" that teaches that non-Jews are virtual animals and that their lives have absolutely no sanctity? Is this really what God told Moses? I challenge every Jewish rabbi and intellectual under the sun to stand up and answer this question honestly and courageously.
I am not making baseless accusations or anti-Semitic insinuations. There are numerous rabbis, not marginal ones, in Israel and abroad who shamelessly teach and preach in their synagogues that non-Jews are actually animals walking on two legs. These rabbis are not demented or deranged individuals who don't know what they are talking about. They are actually celebrated Torah sages, enjoying widespread esteem and having high stature in their respective communities and beyond.
I really don't know how true Judaism would justify imposing hermetic blockades on innocent civilians, causing thousands to die, albeit a slow death… Or demolishing dairy factories, causing orphan kids to have malnutrition?
I really don't know how true Judaism would justify dropping one-ton bombs from high altitudes on apartment buildings packed with innocent men, women and children, hospitals and heavily-populated neighborhoods.
I don't really know how true Judaism would justify murdering sleeping babies and their breast-feeding mothers, huddling in fear in their refugee shacks? Is this the divine message that God entrusted to the Children of Israel?
Unfortunately, the radical metamorphoses that morphed the true, original Judaism into a criminally-racist cult is the responsibility of those so-called Talmudic sages who effectively obliterated all universal dimensions of Judaism, replacing these dimensions with an appalling parochial particularism, which eventually reduced itself into a nefariously racist cult, shrouded in a scandalously pseudo- religious shell, and adopting an extremely evil outlook toward the rest of the world.
Otherwise, where in the Ten Commandments and other revelations received by Moses is stated that the life of a non-Jew has no sanctity or that it is possible to murder a non-Jew without the slightest compunction or feeling of guilt? (An Israeli air-force commander was quoted as saying that he sleeps well and had no feeling of guilt every time he murdered Palestinian civilians.)!!!
I really feel sorry for the Jews of our time. They have utterly lost every semblance of morality, which would conceivably give them a feeling that they occupy a moral high-ground in comparison to the rest of mankind. You have lost that real or imagined moral high-ground, ostensibly irreversibly. Don't take this lightly. This monumental calamity is tantamount to death.
It is really hard to underestimate the brutal ugliness of the Jewish-Zionist mentality. This is why serious and honest writers should never flinch from comparing Israel, its actions and behaviors with Nazi Germany, its actions and behavior.
Some writers and intellectuals would simply cringe and cower at the first test. They would betray their conscience as soon as the Judeo-Nazis start hurling at them the false charges of anti-Semitism.
They would stop calling the spade a spade, especially when they see the figurative implement firmly in the evil hands of the Judeo-Nazis, the Zionist Jews, and the Nazis of our time.
Others, who value their rectitude and moral conscience, wouldn't be intimidated by the vociferousness of Zionist barking.
But these are few in numbers, and are likely to suffer marginalization and estrangement as a result of upholding their moral conscience.
Well, truly great people are always small in number.
Investigating Hamas's crimes!
A few days ago, the Israeli media reported that some Zionist circles had urged UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to investigate the apparently accidental death of a Jewish settler child during the recent Israeli holocaust in Gaza.
Three or four Israeli civilians were killed purportedly by projectiles fired from the Gaza Strip on nearby Jewish settlements. But there has been no independent or third- party confirmation that the few civilian casualties on the Israeli side were indeed caused by the nearly notoriously inaccurate and virtually innocuous rockets fired from the besieged Gaza Strip.
On the other hand, it is now confirmed beyond any shred of doubt that as many as 2200 Palestinians, mostly innocent civilians, were brutally murdered and that as many as 13,000 others were wounded, many with serious injuries and disabilities that would stay with them for the rest of their lives.
It is also believed that as many as 500 Palestinian children were killed and several thousand others were injured in the recent Gaza holocaust.
In addition to human losses, the Israeli forces utterly destroyed some 50,000 houses, and many other buildings. Hospitals, colleges and other public buildings were also destroyed. Some Old German citizens have compared the recent Gaza holocaust with the fire-storm bombing of the city of Dresden in 1945.
Satanic Mentality
For those unaware of the Talmudic mentality that shapes and rules the collective classical Jewish-Zionist mind, it may be difficult to understand the fact that most Jews in Israel and abroad give far more attention to the death of a single Jewish child than they would give to the mass murder of thousands of non-Jewish children. The classical Jewish motto, proclaimed by most Zionist rabbis is that a thousand Arab lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail!
Yet this factual truth, which no amount of hasbara (Zionist propaganda) or disinformation or deliberate malicious lies could blur or obliterate, is an outstanding fact of life in Israel today.
Look, this is not a theatrical propaganda contest between a Palestinian writer and the Israeli hasbara machine. I am always willing and ready to prove the veracity of every word I write and substantiate every accusation I make against Zionist Jews...
I actually challenge any Jewish writer or intellectual from Tel Aviv to New York and from Sydney to Los Angeles to prove me wrong. But I won't stop calling the spade a spade especially when the spade happens to be in the hands of my people's grave-diggers.
Besides, I' m not really overly eager to demonize Jews or their religion. In fact, I am mainly interested in making people, including Jews; discover the extent to which Zionist supremacists have deviated from the authentic teachings of Judaism, the Judaism of the Ten Commandments, upon which universal morality is more or less based.
We do know that any credible moral system based on the Ten Commandments must utterly reject the murder of innocent human beings. It would also reject the oppression of man by his fellow man. The Jewish Bible does contain numerous verses reminding Israelites to be just and refrain from oppressing others….because you were oppressed by the Pharaohs in the Land of Egypt.
For example, in Exodus: 22: 21, The Almighty warns the Israelites (e.g. Jews) against even mistreating others, let alone murdering them. "You must not mistreat or oppress foreigners in any way. Remember, you yourselves were once foreigners in the land of Egypt."
Now, in light of the genocidal atrocities Israel has been meting out to the helpless and unprotected Palestinians, one might really wonder what type of Bible these Judo-Nazi thugs, people like Binyamin Netanyahu, Moshe Yaalon and other war criminals, are following. Are they following the Bible of Moses or the Bible of Hitler? Do they obtain their moral ideals from the Ten Commandments or from Mein Kampf?
These are extremely legitimate and fundamental questions that ought to be invoked if one takes God, religion and even morality seriously.
Evil Cult
The truth of the matter, at least as this writer sees it, is that the present Judaism as practiced by the bulk of world Jewry has actually nothing to do with the true, authentic Judaism, which the Almighty revealed unto Moses.
What else can be said of a "religion" that teaches that non-Jews are virtual animals and that their lives have absolutely no sanctity? Is this really what God told Moses? I challenge every Jewish rabbi and intellectual under the sun to stand up and answer this question honestly and courageously.
I am not making baseless accusations or anti-Semitic insinuations. There are numerous rabbis, not marginal ones, in Israel and abroad who shamelessly teach and preach in their synagogues that non-Jews are actually animals walking on two legs. These rabbis are not demented or deranged individuals who don't know what they are talking about. They are actually celebrated Torah sages, enjoying widespread esteem and having high stature in their respective communities and beyond.
I really don't know how true Judaism would justify imposing hermetic blockades on innocent civilians, causing thousands to die, albeit a slow death… Or demolishing dairy factories, causing orphan kids to have malnutrition?
I really don't know how true Judaism would justify dropping one-ton bombs from high altitudes on apartment buildings packed with innocent men, women and children, hospitals and heavily-populated neighborhoods.
I don't really know how true Judaism would justify murdering sleeping babies and their breast-feeding mothers, huddling in fear in their refugee shacks? Is this the divine message that God entrusted to the Children of Israel?
Unfortunately, the radical metamorphoses that morphed the true, original Judaism into a criminally-racist cult is the responsibility of those so-called Talmudic sages who effectively obliterated all universal dimensions of Judaism, replacing these dimensions with an appalling parochial particularism, which eventually reduced itself into a nefariously racist cult, shrouded in a scandalously pseudo- religious shell, and adopting an extremely evil outlook toward the rest of the world.
Otherwise, where in the Ten Commandments and other revelations received by Moses is stated that the life of a non-Jew has no sanctity or that it is possible to murder a non-Jew without the slightest compunction or feeling of guilt? (An Israeli air-force commander was quoted as saying that he sleeps well and had no feeling of guilt every time he murdered Palestinian civilians.)!!!
I really feel sorry for the Jews of our time. They have utterly lost every semblance of morality, which would conceivably give them a feeling that they occupy a moral high-ground in comparison to the rest of mankind. You have lost that real or imagined moral high-ground, ostensibly irreversibly. Don't take this lightly. This monumental calamity is tantamount to death.

Dr. Khalil al-Hayya, political bureau member of Hamas, called on the Palestinian unity government to reap the fruits of the mounting international pro-Palestine support and press ahead with Gaza’s seaport and airport construction bids. Al-Hayya said in an exclusive interview with the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) on Saturday: “Hamas will help the unity government overcome all the obstacles lying in store.”
He called on Pro-Palestine organizations and activists, nationwide and oversees, to pool resources, initiate the reconstruction project, and step up pressure on the Israeli occupation to allow access of reconstruction materials into the Strip.
He said Hamas has provided 2,000 dollars of relief cash aids to help some of the displaced Gazans find provisional shelters for their homeless offspring.
Shifting to another issue, he said, “Our resistance is equipped with enough power and arms to move on and develop its potentials and none would stop it.”
Al-Hayya reiterated Hamas’s determination to lift the Gaza siege once and for all, vowing to ask for the support of Egypt and all international parties who brokered the ceasefire if Israel procrastinated in implementing the agreements.
He slammed Abbas’s claims regarding Hamas’s formation of a shadow government in Gaza, declaring: “We only have employees who are doing their best to serve their people and meet their needs.”
“Do we have to pack up and leave Gaza fall apart under such a fierce Israeli offensive?” he questioned, adding: “Officials at the unity government would better take on their responsibilities.”
“We will stand by our employees and will never let them down,” he vowed as he raised alarm bells over the salary crisis in Gaza.
“We have no other option than to adopt a unified national strategy. Whoever turns his back on us and grows suspicious, history shall leave him/her behind,” al-Hayya concluded.
He called on Pro-Palestine organizations and activists, nationwide and oversees, to pool resources, initiate the reconstruction project, and step up pressure on the Israeli occupation to allow access of reconstruction materials into the Strip.
He said Hamas has provided 2,000 dollars of relief cash aids to help some of the displaced Gazans find provisional shelters for their homeless offspring.
Shifting to another issue, he said, “Our resistance is equipped with enough power and arms to move on and develop its potentials and none would stop it.”
Al-Hayya reiterated Hamas’s determination to lift the Gaza siege once and for all, vowing to ask for the support of Egypt and all international parties who brokered the ceasefire if Israel procrastinated in implementing the agreements.
He slammed Abbas’s claims regarding Hamas’s formation of a shadow government in Gaza, declaring: “We only have employees who are doing their best to serve their people and meet their needs.”
“Do we have to pack up and leave Gaza fall apart under such a fierce Israeli offensive?” he questioned, adding: “Officials at the unity government would better take on their responsibilities.”
“We will stand by our employees and will never let them down,” he vowed as he raised alarm bells over the salary crisis in Gaza.
“We have no other option than to adopt a unified national strategy. Whoever turns his back on us and grows suspicious, history shall leave him/her behind,” al-Hayya concluded.

Ismail Haneyya, the Deputy Head of Hamas political bureau, urged Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas to sign the Rome Statute, which will allow Palestine to join the International Criminal Court (ICC) and prosecute the Israeli war criminals. Delivering Friday's sermon on the ruins of al-Susi mosque in Gaza City, Haneyya said that Hamas Movement and the Palestinian factions had signed the document they were asked to sign, in order to urge Abbas to sign the Rome Statute, stressing the importance of signing so as to prosecute the “Zionist war criminals” at the ICC.
He also praised the Palestinian citizens' steadfastness and sacrifices and that they embraced the resistance during the Israeli aggression, confirming that all the houses, mosques, schools, ministries and hospitals the occupation destroyed will be rebuilt.
He said: "Our message to the occupation is that you can demolish the mosques but not the thoughts, you can take minarets down but you cannot destroy our determination".
Haneyya hailed the international solidarity rallies with the Palestinian people during the aggression, especially in Europe and Latin America, which included organizing major demonstrations and recalling ambassadors from Israel.
Haneyya expressed his gratitude to the countries which supported the Palestinian people politically and financially, especially Turkey and Qatar. He also thanked Egypt for its role in reaching a ceasefire agreement, and he urged it to pursue its efforts to follow up on implementation of what has been agreed upon.
He also praised the Palestinian citizens' steadfastness and sacrifices and that they embraced the resistance during the Israeli aggression, confirming that all the houses, mosques, schools, ministries and hospitals the occupation destroyed will be rebuilt.
He said: "Our message to the occupation is that you can demolish the mosques but not the thoughts, you can take minarets down but you cannot destroy our determination".
Haneyya hailed the international solidarity rallies with the Palestinian people during the aggression, especially in Europe and Latin America, which included organizing major demonstrations and recalling ambassadors from Israel.
Haneyya expressed his gratitude to the countries which supported the Palestinian people politically and financially, especially Turkey and Qatar. He also thanked Egypt for its role in reaching a ceasefire agreement, and he urged it to pursue its efforts to follow up on implementation of what has been agreed upon.

The Palestinian resistance in the West Bank is able to defeat the Israeli occupation if it were equipped with quarter of the ordnance possessed by the Gaza-based resistance, political bureau member of Hamas, Mahmoud al-Zahhar, said. Addressing the Friday congregation at al-Shahid Abdullah Azzam mosque in Gaza, Zahhar said: “If the West Bank had access to quarter of Gaza’s resistance ordnance, Israel would perish in one single day.”
Zahhar denounced PA security coordination with the Israeli occupation in the West Bank, which, once halted, things could turn nightmarish for Israel.
Zahhar pointed to the growing international pro-Hamas positions steeped up in the wake of the Gaza victory, dubbing Netanyahu the biggest loser who will step down soon.
He said the potentials for self-generation acquired by the Palestinian resistance and its ability to develop its own military equipment will deal a “deadly” blow at the Israeli occupation in future fights.
“The entire world reckons the real landslide won by the Palestinian people and the entire Muslim nation,” he declared as he acclaimed Palestinians’ self-abnegation.
“None of Israel’s goals has been made true; neither halting rocket attacks, nor uprooting Hamas, nor destroying the resistance tunnels,” he stated.
All claims of an Israeli victory are mere lies he said, adding: “Whoever will glance at the achievements of the Palestinian resistance will reckon the real losses wrought on Israel. The biggest of all achievements lies in the heavy blow our resistance dealt to the “invincible army” scenario weaved for 66 years.”
According to Zahhar, the Israeli occupation made proof of an inherently deep military feebleness by being misled into believing that warplanes could have the final word in the fight when it was in fact the battleground that orchestrated the fight. The Palestinian resistance displayed its courage and reached Israel’s “ivory towers” in the legendary videotaped Nahal Oz operation.
The demolition of mosques, civilian homes and hospitals will never manage to dampen Palestinians’ spirits, Zahhar, whose two sons were murdered in previous Israeli raids, vowed.
The Palestinian resistance toppled Israel’s national security strategy and brought the occupation into disrepute, he maintained, adding: “The Jews who had established their state due to Western sympathy have lost all legitimacy in the wake of the offensive.”
He slammed Israel’s procrastination vis-à-vis the ceasefire deal and called on the unity government to step in and assume its responsibilities regarding the Palestinian people and Gazans in particular.
Zahhar denounced PA security coordination with the Israeli occupation in the West Bank, which, once halted, things could turn nightmarish for Israel.
Zahhar pointed to the growing international pro-Hamas positions steeped up in the wake of the Gaza victory, dubbing Netanyahu the biggest loser who will step down soon.
He said the potentials for self-generation acquired by the Palestinian resistance and its ability to develop its own military equipment will deal a “deadly” blow at the Israeli occupation in future fights.
“The entire world reckons the real landslide won by the Palestinian people and the entire Muslim nation,” he declared as he acclaimed Palestinians’ self-abnegation.
“None of Israel’s goals has been made true; neither halting rocket attacks, nor uprooting Hamas, nor destroying the resistance tunnels,” he stated.
All claims of an Israeli victory are mere lies he said, adding: “Whoever will glance at the achievements of the Palestinian resistance will reckon the real losses wrought on Israel. The biggest of all achievements lies in the heavy blow our resistance dealt to the “invincible army” scenario weaved for 66 years.”
According to Zahhar, the Israeli occupation made proof of an inherently deep military feebleness by being misled into believing that warplanes could have the final word in the fight when it was in fact the battleground that orchestrated the fight. The Palestinian resistance displayed its courage and reached Israel’s “ivory towers” in the legendary videotaped Nahal Oz operation.
The demolition of mosques, civilian homes and hospitals will never manage to dampen Palestinians’ spirits, Zahhar, whose two sons were murdered in previous Israeli raids, vowed.
The Palestinian resistance toppled Israel’s national security strategy and brought the occupation into disrepute, he maintained, adding: “The Jews who had established their state due to Western sympathy have lost all legitimacy in the wake of the offensive.”
He slammed Israel’s procrastination vis-à-vis the ceasefire deal and called on the unity government to step in and assume its responsibilities regarding the Palestinian people and Gazans in particular.

UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness has called for ending the blockade on Gaza Strip in order to expedite reconstruction of the devastated enclave. He told the Israeli radio that there was no “unauthorized material being admitted into Gaza”.
Gunness asked for an immediate end to the siege in order to facilitate its reconstruction.
Gunness asked for an immediate end to the siege in order to facilitate its reconstruction.

Palestinian lawyers to attend conference on Israeli war crimes
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in a new three-day visit to Cairo this weekend, is scheduled to attend a meeting with foreign ministers of the Arab League. In addition, a delegation of Palestinian lawyers is set to engage in conference, next week, to discuss Israeli war crimes committed during its recent offensive on the Gaza Strip.
Jamal Shobaki, Palestinian ambassador to Egypt and also serving as an envoy to the Arab League, told reporters on Friday that the foreign ministers of the Arab League member states will dedicate a special session for discussion of the latest developments in Palestine, during the meeting.
In light of the devastating Israeli assault over the months of July and August, this year, President Abbas plans to meet with Egyptian President Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi, and to discuss with regional foreign ministers the situation in the Gaza Strip, as well as the Palestinian Authority (PA) initiative to call for the end of the Israeli occupation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, according to Ma'an News Agency.
In related news, lawyer Hussein Shabana told Ma'an that Palestinian lawyers would attend a conference on Sept. 11 and 12, to discuss the recent Israeli atrocities, and would return to Palestine with recommendations and reports for presentation to the PA.
A delegation of lawyers is to then meet in the Gaza Strip, on Sept. 13, to document potential Israeli war crimes during the assault, Shabana said.
Furthermore, lawyers will meet with legal experts from Egypt and Latin American to discuss the possibility of the PA joining the International Criminal Court.
Hamas and other Palestinian factions have signed a document urging PLO leadership to join the ICC, "but so far there hasn't been any official move," Shabana said.
Over 2,100 Palestinians were killed in the offensive, most of whom were civilians, including women, children (nearly 600), elderly, sick and disabled.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in a new three-day visit to Cairo this weekend, is scheduled to attend a meeting with foreign ministers of the Arab League. In addition, a delegation of Palestinian lawyers is set to engage in conference, next week, to discuss Israeli war crimes committed during its recent offensive on the Gaza Strip.
Jamal Shobaki, Palestinian ambassador to Egypt and also serving as an envoy to the Arab League, told reporters on Friday that the foreign ministers of the Arab League member states will dedicate a special session for discussion of the latest developments in Palestine, during the meeting.
In light of the devastating Israeli assault over the months of July and August, this year, President Abbas plans to meet with Egyptian President Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi, and to discuss with regional foreign ministers the situation in the Gaza Strip, as well as the Palestinian Authority (PA) initiative to call for the end of the Israeli occupation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, according to Ma'an News Agency.
In related news, lawyer Hussein Shabana told Ma'an that Palestinian lawyers would attend a conference on Sept. 11 and 12, to discuss the recent Israeli atrocities, and would return to Palestine with recommendations and reports for presentation to the PA.
A delegation of lawyers is to then meet in the Gaza Strip, on Sept. 13, to document potential Israeli war crimes during the assault, Shabana said.
Furthermore, lawyers will meet with legal experts from Egypt and Latin American to discuss the possibility of the PA joining the International Criminal Court.
Hamas and other Palestinian factions have signed a document urging PLO leadership to join the ICC, "but so far there hasn't been any official move," Shabana said.
Over 2,100 Palestinians were killed in the offensive, most of whom were civilians, including women, children (nearly 600), elderly, sick and disabled.

UNRWA Commissioner-General, Pierre Krahenbuhl, on one of his three visits to Gaza during the recent fighting.
In a speech to be delivered tomorrow (Sunday), to Arab League Foreign Ministers in Cairo, UNRWA’s Commissioner General, Pierre Krahenbuhl, will ask for 47 million dollars for 4 weeks emergency work in Gaza.
In his first major policy address since the ceasefire, Krahenbuhl will tell the ministers that “there is a crying need for financial support now, today. Longer term reconstruction must be addressed but will depend on the outcome of negotiations on access for building materials. My main message to you today is please do not wait for weeks before providing support.”
He will argue that “with funds, now, immediately, UNRWA can facilitate minor repairs like new doors and windows for hundreds of houses before the winter. With funds now we can give cash to thousands of homeless in order to rent temporary rooms, and to others to buy essentials to find again their feet.”
In a message to Arab League Secretary General, Nabil al-Arabi he will say “UNRWA can only carry out these tasks if it has the funds to do so. We depend almost entirely on voluntary contributions. Secretary General, you kindly co-chaired a meeting with Mr Ban Ki-Moon in New York a year ago which generated a renewal of the commitment of Arab governments to aim at providing 7.8 % of UNRWA’s programme budget. I have to say that performance at 4% still falls well short of this target. I urge your members to give more generously to allow UNRWA to continue its vital work.”
Krahenbuhl will thank those Arab League members who have contributed to UNRWA’s work in Gaza and across the Middle East:
“I am well aware that several of them already give generously for refugee housing, new schools and clinics and emergency relief. We are grateful for that. But our programme costs – the money to keep our 710 schools, 138 health centres and 40 food distribution centres running – exceed our ability to pay, so that we face a deficit of $50 million this year, even after imposing severe austerity measures. I cannot overstate the precarious state of UNRWA’s finances.”
The UNRWA chief will outline the Agency’s plans to open all its school institutions in Gaza in 7 days time:
“In exactly one week from today the schools will reopen, a remarkable achievement so soon after the end of the conflict. We aim to open 252 schools in 156 school buildings educating nearly a quarter of a million children, many of them deeply traumatized, but who will be happy to see their friends after the war. I wish I could take you all there so you could see for yourselves both the laughter and the tears. I am sure you all agree that nothing is more important than the education of the next generation and of nowhere is that more true than in Gaza today.”
Commissioner-General Krahenbuhl will have a robust message towards Israel on accountability for violations against civilians:
“On seven separate occasions, UNRWA schools used as shelters were hit by shelling or other munitions, and dozens were killed, including children as they slept next to their parents on the floors of our classrooms. We stood up and said this was an affront to all of us, a source of universal shame. Nothing justified or could imaginably justify Israel’s shelling of UN premises being used as civilian shelters, all of which has repeatedly been duly notified precisely to ensure that they would be preserved. We called for accountability and today I reiterate that call for investigations into these very serious incidents. This must not be forgotten as attention turns understandably to other issues now that the fighting has stopped.
Mr Krahenbuhl will conclude with a powerful appeal for freedom and justice for all Palestinians:
“As I have stated repeatedly during the war, Palestinians are not statistics. They are men, women and children with hopes and expectations similar to those of people everywhere else in the world. Fundamentally, it is time for a change of paradigm in Gaza and in the West Bank. It is time to address the underlying causes of conflict and occupation and to provide freedom to move, to trade and to work. In the meantime, I urge you to renew and strengthen your support to UNRWA so that we can give these children and their families a decent life and the basis for a dignified future.”
Christopher Gunness
Spokesperson, Director of Advocacy and Strategic Communications
UNRWA | Office of the Commissioner General | Jerusalem
t: +972 2 589 0267 | m: +972 54 240 2659 | f: +972 2 589 0240
e: c.gunness(at)unrwa.org | Skype: chrisrobertgunness l Twitter: @ChrisGunness
In a speech to be delivered tomorrow (Sunday), to Arab League Foreign Ministers in Cairo, UNRWA’s Commissioner General, Pierre Krahenbuhl, will ask for 47 million dollars for 4 weeks emergency work in Gaza.
In his first major policy address since the ceasefire, Krahenbuhl will tell the ministers that “there is a crying need for financial support now, today. Longer term reconstruction must be addressed but will depend on the outcome of negotiations on access for building materials. My main message to you today is please do not wait for weeks before providing support.”
He will argue that “with funds, now, immediately, UNRWA can facilitate minor repairs like new doors and windows for hundreds of houses before the winter. With funds now we can give cash to thousands of homeless in order to rent temporary rooms, and to others to buy essentials to find again their feet.”
In a message to Arab League Secretary General, Nabil al-Arabi he will say “UNRWA can only carry out these tasks if it has the funds to do so. We depend almost entirely on voluntary contributions. Secretary General, you kindly co-chaired a meeting with Mr Ban Ki-Moon in New York a year ago which generated a renewal of the commitment of Arab governments to aim at providing 7.8 % of UNRWA’s programme budget. I have to say that performance at 4% still falls well short of this target. I urge your members to give more generously to allow UNRWA to continue its vital work.”
Krahenbuhl will thank those Arab League members who have contributed to UNRWA’s work in Gaza and across the Middle East:
“I am well aware that several of them already give generously for refugee housing, new schools and clinics and emergency relief. We are grateful for that. But our programme costs – the money to keep our 710 schools, 138 health centres and 40 food distribution centres running – exceed our ability to pay, so that we face a deficit of $50 million this year, even after imposing severe austerity measures. I cannot overstate the precarious state of UNRWA’s finances.”
The UNRWA chief will outline the Agency’s plans to open all its school institutions in Gaza in 7 days time:
“In exactly one week from today the schools will reopen, a remarkable achievement so soon after the end of the conflict. We aim to open 252 schools in 156 school buildings educating nearly a quarter of a million children, many of them deeply traumatized, but who will be happy to see their friends after the war. I wish I could take you all there so you could see for yourselves both the laughter and the tears. I am sure you all agree that nothing is more important than the education of the next generation and of nowhere is that more true than in Gaza today.”
Commissioner-General Krahenbuhl will have a robust message towards Israel on accountability for violations against civilians:
“On seven separate occasions, UNRWA schools used as shelters were hit by shelling or other munitions, and dozens were killed, including children as they slept next to their parents on the floors of our classrooms. We stood up and said this was an affront to all of us, a source of universal shame. Nothing justified or could imaginably justify Israel’s shelling of UN premises being used as civilian shelters, all of which has repeatedly been duly notified precisely to ensure that they would be preserved. We called for accountability and today I reiterate that call for investigations into these very serious incidents. This must not be forgotten as attention turns understandably to other issues now that the fighting has stopped.
Mr Krahenbuhl will conclude with a powerful appeal for freedom and justice for all Palestinians:
“As I have stated repeatedly during the war, Palestinians are not statistics. They are men, women and children with hopes and expectations similar to those of people everywhere else in the world. Fundamentally, it is time for a change of paradigm in Gaza and in the West Bank. It is time to address the underlying causes of conflict and occupation and to provide freedom to move, to trade and to work. In the meantime, I urge you to renew and strengthen your support to UNRWA so that we can give these children and their families a decent life and the basis for a dignified future.”
Christopher Gunness
Spokesperson, Director of Advocacy and Strategic Communications
UNRWA | Office of the Commissioner General | Jerusalem
t: +972 2 589 0267 | m: +972 54 240 2659 | f: +972 2 589 0240
e: c.gunness(at)unrwa.org | Skype: chrisrobertgunness l Twitter: @ChrisGunness
5 sept 2014

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu intends to renew efforts at legally defining Israel as "the nation-state of the Jewish people". Such a law would address "attempt(s) to undermine the national identity of the Jewish people and the legitimacy of the State of Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people”.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intends to renew efforts at legislating a basic law that will legally anchor Israel's status as "the nation-state of the Jewish people". The law was initiated last winter and as Netanyahu stated then, it aims to allow legal status to a "basic ingredient in our national lives”.
Basic laws are a key component of Israel's constitutional law. These laws deal with the formation and role of the principal state institutions, and relations amongst the various state authorities. Some of these laws also protect civil rights.
Although basic laws were originally meant to be draft chapters of a future Israeli constitution, there is no clear rule determining the precedence of basic laws over regular legislation; this issue is left to the interpretation of the judicial system. Nonetheless, basic laws are already used on a daily basis by the courts as a de jure formal constitution.
The prime minister announced his intentions of renewing this legislative effort during a meeting Wednesday night with an association of national religious rabbis, Rabanei Tzohar.
At the meeting, Netanyahu repeated that "there is an attempt to undermine the national identity of the Jewish people and the legitimacy of the State of Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people”.
The meeting with Rabanei Tzohar was initiated and organized by MK Ze'ev Alkin (Likud) in support of the prime minister after the offensive on Gaza. Attending the meeting were twenty influential rabbis, who told Netanyahu it is important to preserve the spirit of national unity unveiled recently during the Gaza attack.
See also: Netanyahu: Talmud Will be the Basis of Israeli Law
Prime Minister Netanyahu said in May, when the basic law was originally proposed, that it aims to set the national rights of the Jewish people in the State of Israel without harming individual rights.
"The law will solidify the position of the Law of Return, and will anchor the status of national symbols: the flag, the anthem, the language and other elements of our national being. They are constantly under attack from the outside and even from home”.
The opposition and liberal members of the government opposed the proposed law.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intends to renew efforts at legislating a basic law that will legally anchor Israel's status as "the nation-state of the Jewish people". The law was initiated last winter and as Netanyahu stated then, it aims to allow legal status to a "basic ingredient in our national lives”.
Basic laws are a key component of Israel's constitutional law. These laws deal with the formation and role of the principal state institutions, and relations amongst the various state authorities. Some of these laws also protect civil rights.
Although basic laws were originally meant to be draft chapters of a future Israeli constitution, there is no clear rule determining the precedence of basic laws over regular legislation; this issue is left to the interpretation of the judicial system. Nonetheless, basic laws are already used on a daily basis by the courts as a de jure formal constitution.
The prime minister announced his intentions of renewing this legislative effort during a meeting Wednesday night with an association of national religious rabbis, Rabanei Tzohar.
At the meeting, Netanyahu repeated that "there is an attempt to undermine the national identity of the Jewish people and the legitimacy of the State of Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people”.
The meeting with Rabanei Tzohar was initiated and organized by MK Ze'ev Alkin (Likud) in support of the prime minister after the offensive on Gaza. Attending the meeting were twenty influential rabbis, who told Netanyahu it is important to preserve the spirit of national unity unveiled recently during the Gaza attack.
See also: Netanyahu: Talmud Will be the Basis of Israeli Law
Prime Minister Netanyahu said in May, when the basic law was originally proposed, that it aims to set the national rights of the Jewish people in the State of Israel without harming individual rights.
"The law will solidify the position of the Law of Return, and will anchor the status of national symbols: the flag, the anthem, the language and other elements of our national being. They are constantly under attack from the outside and even from home”.
The opposition and liberal members of the government opposed the proposed law.

US permanent representative to the United Nations, Samantha Power, has implied that Washington will block any resolution in the Security Council to pass Palestinian initiatives which aims to end the Israeli occupation in the West Bank within three years.
The US ambassador stated, according to Al Ray: “We believe that negotiations are the way in which a two-state solution can be achieved, must be achieved. We don’t think there are shortcuts or unilateral measures that can be taken at the United Nations or anyplace else that will bring about the outcome that the Palestinian people most seek.”
“Israel has to be a part of that negotiation, just as a practical matter. So to think that you can come to New York and secure what needs to be worked out on the ground is not realistic,” Power added, notting “we are open to the possibility that a resolution can be added and then can help build on what has been achieved in the Cairo context.”
The US ambassador stated, according to Al Ray: “We believe that negotiations are the way in which a two-state solution can be achieved, must be achieved. We don’t think there are shortcuts or unilateral measures that can be taken at the United Nations or anyplace else that will bring about the outcome that the Palestinian people most seek.”
“Israel has to be a part of that negotiation, just as a practical matter. So to think that you can come to New York and secure what needs to be worked out on the ground is not realistic,” Power added, notting “we are open to the possibility that a resolution can be added and then can help build on what has been achieved in the Cairo context.”

After two weeks with no water following Israel's 50-day offensive, Abu Osama took matters into his own hands, and like hundreds of others, sank a well beside his Gaza home.
After nearly two months of Israeli bombardment, power cuts and water shortages, he seized upon the ceasefire to get down to work.
"Water supplied by the municipality had not been arriving for more than two weeks and there were 50 of us in the house, including many children, so I decided to sink a well" to draw water directly, the 45-year-old said.
Water shortages are nothing new for Palestinians in the densely populated Gaza Strip enclave, and more and more people have been digging their own wells since 2006.
Israel imposed a severe blockade on the territory that year after Hamas was democratically elected into power.
Since then "more than 10,000 wells have been dug," said Monzer Shoblak, an official in Gaza's water authority.
"All these wells were dug without legal authorization, but without them may people would not have water throughout the day," he said.
But this direct access to water comes at a cost, and Abu Osama, who did not give his full name, had to shell out 2,000 Jordanian Dinars ($2,820) to dig and maintain his well.
It is a price that many residents of Gaza, where unemployment is running at around 40 percent, are unable to afford.
Abu Muhammad, who also refused to give his last name, decided to dig a well on his land to ensure that his family had enough water to drink and for washing.
"The water was totally cut and the war complicated our situation further," he said.
Umm Muhammad, his wife, said it was "no longer like living in the 21st century."
"We get our water from the well, and we bake bread on an open fire," she said.
Water pipes hit
After nearly two months of Israeli bombardment, power cuts and water shortages, he seized upon the ceasefire to get down to work.
"Water supplied by the municipality had not been arriving for more than two weeks and there were 50 of us in the house, including many children, so I decided to sink a well" to draw water directly, the 45-year-old said.
Water shortages are nothing new for Palestinians in the densely populated Gaza Strip enclave, and more and more people have been digging their own wells since 2006.
Israel imposed a severe blockade on the territory that year after Hamas was democratically elected into power.
Since then "more than 10,000 wells have been dug," said Monzer Shoblak, an official in Gaza's water authority.
"All these wells were dug without legal authorization, but without them may people would not have water throughout the day," he said.
But this direct access to water comes at a cost, and Abu Osama, who did not give his full name, had to shell out 2,000 Jordanian Dinars ($2,820) to dig and maintain his well.
It is a price that many residents of Gaza, where unemployment is running at around 40 percent, are unable to afford.
Abu Muhammad, who also refused to give his last name, decided to dig a well on his land to ensure that his family had enough water to drink and for washing.
"The water was totally cut and the war complicated our situation further," he said.
Umm Muhammad, his wife, said it was "no longer like living in the 21st century."
"We get our water from the well, and we bake bread on an open fire," she said.
Water pipes hit

"I used to have flowers and a beautiful garden, but everything has been scorched by the sun," she said wistfully, gesturing at two parched palm trees withering in dry soil.
During the devastating Israeli bombardment, water pipes were also hit in the only power station serving the Gaza Strip, a sliver of land squeezed between Egypt, Israel and the Mediterranean where 1.8 million people live.
The fighting aggravated already chronic water shortages in the enclave, said Rebhi al-Sheikh, deputy head of the body in charge of the precious resource in Gaza.
"The only reserve available to us is the coastal aquifer we share with Egypt and Israel made up of 55 million cubic meters," he said.
But this is far from sufficient, because for "Gaza alone you need 190 million cubic meters every year."
And the United Nations has warned that Gaza's already short water supplies could be running out.
The aquifer could be unusable by 2016 and the damage it has suffered may be irreversible by 2020, experts believe.
Shoblak said that some 95 percent of Gaza's water is already contaminated.
"The volume of nitrate in the water should not go above 50 milligrams per liter. In Gaza the levels are about 200-250 milligrams," he said.
Chloride, which should be kept to 250 mg per liter, in some areas of Gaza reaches 2,000 mg, Shoblak said.
The authorities in Gaza have already launched several new projects aimed at providing water to those most in need, but these have been suspended at inception because of the blockade that prevents construction materials from entering the Strip.
During the ceasefire negotiations, Israel said it would allow the entry of some materials for reconstruction, without specifying what it would permit or when it would cross into Gaza.
But for the moment, no cement, gravel or steel has passed through the border crossings linking Gaza to Israel.
During the devastating Israeli bombardment, water pipes were also hit in the only power station serving the Gaza Strip, a sliver of land squeezed between Egypt, Israel and the Mediterranean where 1.8 million people live.
The fighting aggravated already chronic water shortages in the enclave, said Rebhi al-Sheikh, deputy head of the body in charge of the precious resource in Gaza.
"The only reserve available to us is the coastal aquifer we share with Egypt and Israel made up of 55 million cubic meters," he said.
But this is far from sufficient, because for "Gaza alone you need 190 million cubic meters every year."
And the United Nations has warned that Gaza's already short water supplies could be running out.
The aquifer could be unusable by 2016 and the damage it has suffered may be irreversible by 2020, experts believe.
Shoblak said that some 95 percent of Gaza's water is already contaminated.
"The volume of nitrate in the water should not go above 50 milligrams per liter. In Gaza the levels are about 200-250 milligrams," he said.
Chloride, which should be kept to 250 mg per liter, in some areas of Gaza reaches 2,000 mg, Shoblak said.
The authorities in Gaza have already launched several new projects aimed at providing water to those most in need, but these have been suspended at inception because of the blockade that prevents construction materials from entering the Strip.
During the ceasefire negotiations, Israel said it would allow the entry of some materials for reconstruction, without specifying what it would permit or when it would cross into Gaza.
But for the moment, no cement, gravel or steel has passed through the border crossings linking Gaza to Israel.

The poultry farming industry in Gaza has suffered losses of over $10 million as a result of Israel's seven week offensive on the besieged enclave, with rising prices due to shortages.
"Farms were shelled, and in farms that were not shelled, their owners were not able to reach them to feed their livestock, leaving them to die of hunger and thirst," the owner of a poultry distribution company Masud Siyam said.
Tahsin al-Saqqa, the general manager of marketing in the Ministry of Agriculture, told Ma'an that over two million chickens were killed in the Israeli offensive, with prices rising by 15 shekels ($4) per kilo.
The ministry is being forced to import chickens from the West Bank and Israel to cover the losses, with 70,000 chickens entering Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing.
Al-Saqqa predicted, however, that prices would normalize by October.
"Farms were shelled, and in farms that were not shelled, their owners were not able to reach them to feed their livestock, leaving them to die of hunger and thirst," the owner of a poultry distribution company Masud Siyam said.
Tahsin al-Saqqa, the general manager of marketing in the Ministry of Agriculture, told Ma'an that over two million chickens were killed in the Israeli offensive, with prices rising by 15 shekels ($4) per kilo.
The ministry is being forced to import chickens from the West Bank and Israel to cover the losses, with 70,000 chickens entering Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing.
Al-Saqqa predicted, however, that prices would normalize by October.

Hamas will not accept any Israeli, regional or international calls to disarm the group, leader Ismail Haniyeh said Friday.
Speaking at the al-Susi mosque, the Hamas leader said that the group's arms are "sacred" and the same calls for disarmament should also be applied to Israel.
"As long as the occupation exists there will be resistance and fighting and Palestinian factions have the right to have what they can have," Haniyeh said.
The top priorities now for Hamas are ending Israel's blockade, strengthening national unity and providing support to Palestinians affected by the recent Israeli offensive, he said.
Palestinian factions have all agreed to President Mahmoud Abbas' proposal to join the ICC, he added, stressing that Israel should not get away with the killing of "children, women and the elderly."
"We have the right to have the necessary means to defend ourselves," he added. "We do not call for war, and we do not want war, but if the enemy wants it we will fight back."
The al-Susi mosque was shelled during the Israeli offensive on Gaza.
Israel and Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip ended over seven weeks of fighting last week with a long-term ceasefire agreement in which Israel agreed to ease its siege on the coastal enclave.
Further negotiations regarding unresolved issues such as an airport and seaport in Gaza and the demilitarization of factions were to take place in Egypt a month later.
Speaking at the al-Susi mosque, the Hamas leader said that the group's arms are "sacred" and the same calls for disarmament should also be applied to Israel.
"As long as the occupation exists there will be resistance and fighting and Palestinian factions have the right to have what they can have," Haniyeh said.
The top priorities now for Hamas are ending Israel's blockade, strengthening national unity and providing support to Palestinians affected by the recent Israeli offensive, he said.
Palestinian factions have all agreed to President Mahmoud Abbas' proposal to join the ICC, he added, stressing that Israel should not get away with the killing of "children, women and the elderly."
"We have the right to have the necessary means to defend ourselves," he added. "We do not call for war, and we do not want war, but if the enemy wants it we will fight back."
The al-Susi mosque was shelled during the Israeli offensive on Gaza.
Israel and Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip ended over seven weeks of fighting last week with a long-term ceasefire agreement in which Israel agreed to ease its siege on the coastal enclave.
Further negotiations regarding unresolved issues such as an airport and seaport in Gaza and the demilitarization of factions were to take place in Egypt a month later.

The Palestinian Authority is working to implement a three-stage plan to solve the water crisis in Gaza after Israel's assault caused over $34.5 million worth of damages to water networks.
Deputy head of Gaza's water authority, Ribhi al-Sheikh, told Ma'an that the first stage will include a six-month humanitarian intervention to deliver clean drinking water to homeless Gazans and those displaced during Israeli attacks.
The second stage will require rebuilding damaged water networks and reservoirs, which will take over a year if the Gaza crossings operate on current levels of construction material allowed in.
The third stage will be to build water treatment and desalination plants, which would cost in the region of $800 million.
Al-Sheikh said that the EU, Islamic Bank, and World Bank would support the plan financially.
At least 17 kilometers of water supply networks were completely destroyed and another 29 partially destroyed during Israel's offensive.
Gaza's health ministry said skin diseases and rashes have been reported in housing shelters across Gaza due to a lack of water.
Deputy head of Gaza's water authority, Ribhi al-Sheikh, told Ma'an that the first stage will include a six-month humanitarian intervention to deliver clean drinking water to homeless Gazans and those displaced during Israeli attacks.
The second stage will require rebuilding damaged water networks and reservoirs, which will take over a year if the Gaza crossings operate on current levels of construction material allowed in.
The third stage will be to build water treatment and desalination plants, which would cost in the region of $800 million.
Al-Sheikh said that the EU, Islamic Bank, and World Bank would support the plan financially.
At least 17 kilometers of water supply networks were completely destroyed and another 29 partially destroyed during Israel's offensive.
Gaza's health ministry said skin diseases and rashes have been reported in housing shelters across Gaza due to a lack of water.
4 sept 2014

Sami al-Amasi, Head of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, on Wednesday, dubbed Israel’s violation of the ceasefire agreement and attacks on Palestinian fishermen signs of malevolent schemes to step up Israel’s throttle-hold on Gaza’s sole food entryway. Al-Amasi said in a press release on Wednesday Israel has once again opened fire on Palestinian fishermen in another major violation of the ceasefire agreement. In his view, the situation is already worsened by the tight Gaza blockade and the closed crossings.
“Israel is back to its pre-war terror scenarios, shooting Palestinian fishermen, rounding them up, and confiscating their fishing boats on an almost daily basis,” he charged.
Al-Amasi condemned Israel’s arbitrary abduction of the Palestinian young fishermen Talel al-Sultan, 23, and Muhammad Zayed, 19, along with Israeli gunfire unleashed as early as 6 a.m. on Palestinian fishermen north of the Gaza Strip.
The chief of syndicate called the Palestinian factions and human rights groups to take legal action against such Israeli infringements and disregard for the ceasefire.
Senior Hamas official Salah al-Bardawil said on Wednesday: “Israel’s violation of the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire, stipulating an immediate cessation of Israeli hostility, the unconditional lifting of the Gaza blockade, and the entry of Gaza reconstruction materials, bodes ill for the Israeli occupation.”
Al-Bardawil vowed that Hamas will keep tabs on such truce breaches, expressing wishes that no more violations of this sort would be stepped up.
“We are so sure that the siege will be lifted and the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip will be made true as long as there is a strong-willed nation that shall never throw in the towel,” he pledged.
“Israel is back to its pre-war terror scenarios, shooting Palestinian fishermen, rounding them up, and confiscating their fishing boats on an almost daily basis,” he charged.
Al-Amasi condemned Israel’s arbitrary abduction of the Palestinian young fishermen Talel al-Sultan, 23, and Muhammad Zayed, 19, along with Israeli gunfire unleashed as early as 6 a.m. on Palestinian fishermen north of the Gaza Strip.
The chief of syndicate called the Palestinian factions and human rights groups to take legal action against such Israeli infringements and disregard for the ceasefire.
Senior Hamas official Salah al-Bardawil said on Wednesday: “Israel’s violation of the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire, stipulating an immediate cessation of Israeli hostility, the unconditional lifting of the Gaza blockade, and the entry of Gaza reconstruction materials, bodes ill for the Israeli occupation.”
Al-Bardawil vowed that Hamas will keep tabs on such truce breaches, expressing wishes that no more violations of this sort would be stepped up.
“We are so sure that the siege will be lifted and the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip will be made true as long as there is a strong-willed nation that shall never throw in the towel,” he pledged.

The Israeli occupation bulldozers on Tuesday and Wednesday wrecked loads of Gaza humanitarian aid stuff and Palestinian residential structures in Occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank under fallacious pretexts. According to the structures’ owner in Jerusalem, Haj Abu Nejma, the occupation bulldozers smashed food aid items and relief materials to be delivered to the embattled Gaza Strip via charity and rescue agencies in Occupied Jerusalem.
Jerusalem’s municipality has been turning down Abu Nejma’s appeals and applications for construction permits since 1996, under unsound excuses.
The occupation bulldozers demolished on Wednesday two residential rooms of Abu Nejma’s, covering an overall area of around 60 m2. The rooms have been the only place where Abu Nejma and his wife have been sheltering and amassing donations for the hundreds of needy and displaced Palestinian families.
The Israeli invading troops destroyed another residential home, where Abu Nejma’s sons Tarek and Nadim, along with their five-member family, live.
The structure was reduced to rubble by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) after arresting Tarek.
The occupation bulldozers further razed the fences surrounding the land and other corals for raising horses and cattle, along with a number of parked cars.
In a similar assault on Tuesday, the IOF destroyed a Palestinian family home and a water well in al-Rama suburb, in the southern West Bank city of al-Khalil, without prior notification.
The demolition campaign culminated in the flattening of a dairy factory and al-Rayan farm, owned by the Islamic Charity Organization on the outskirts of al-Khalil.
A series of Israeli demolition threats, targeting Palestinian civilian residential tents and homes in Yatta, south of al-Khalil, were arbitrarily issued on Wednesday under pretext that the area was declared a closed military zone.
The Israeli occupation authorities have stepped up their arbitrary demolition campaigns targeting family homes and residential structures of ex-prisoners, human rights activists, innocent civilians and even relief institutions, in a round of oppressive moves that do well embody the inherently sadistic nature of the Israeli occupation.
Jerusalem’s municipality has been turning down Abu Nejma’s appeals and applications for construction permits since 1996, under unsound excuses.
The occupation bulldozers demolished on Wednesday two residential rooms of Abu Nejma’s, covering an overall area of around 60 m2. The rooms have been the only place where Abu Nejma and his wife have been sheltering and amassing donations for the hundreds of needy and displaced Palestinian families.
The Israeli invading troops destroyed another residential home, where Abu Nejma’s sons Tarek and Nadim, along with their five-member family, live.
The structure was reduced to rubble by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) after arresting Tarek.
The occupation bulldozers further razed the fences surrounding the land and other corals for raising horses and cattle, along with a number of parked cars.
In a similar assault on Tuesday, the IOF destroyed a Palestinian family home and a water well in al-Rama suburb, in the southern West Bank city of al-Khalil, without prior notification.
The demolition campaign culminated in the flattening of a dairy factory and al-Rayan farm, owned by the Islamic Charity Organization on the outskirts of al-Khalil.
A series of Israeli demolition threats, targeting Palestinian civilian residential tents and homes in Yatta, south of al-Khalil, were arbitrarily issued on Wednesday under pretext that the area was declared a closed military zone.
The Israeli occupation authorities have stepped up their arbitrary demolition campaigns targeting family homes and residential structures of ex-prisoners, human rights activists, innocent civilians and even relief institutions, in a round of oppressive moves that do well embody the inherently sadistic nature of the Israeli occupation.

Egyptian medical sources have reported, Thursday, that an elderly Palestinian woman died at the Nasser Medical Center, in Cairo, of serious injuries suffered on August 29, during the Israeli war on the coastal region.
The sources said ‘Etaf Mohammad ‘Ajrour, suffered life-threatening injuries when the army bombarded homes and streets, in the Nafaq area, in Sheikh Radwan in Gaza City.
One Palestinian was instantly killed while several others were wounded, many seriously.
On Wednesday, a Palestinian man died of wounds suffered after the army fired missiles into the Nusseirat area in Gaza.
The sources said ‘Etaf Mohammad ‘Ajrour, suffered life-threatening injuries when the army bombarded homes and streets, in the Nafaq area, in Sheikh Radwan in Gaza City.
One Palestinian was instantly killed while several others were wounded, many seriously.
On Wednesday, a Palestinian man died of wounds suffered after the army fired missiles into the Nusseirat area in Gaza.
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Truce violations List of names Pictures of martyrs
Days: Aug: 26 - 25 - 24 - 23 - 22 - 21 - 20 - 19 - 18 - 17 - 16 - 15 - 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
July: 31 - 30 - 29 - 28 - 27 - 26 - 25 - 24 - 23 - 22 - 21 - 20 - 19 - 18 - 17 - 16 - 15 - 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 - 9 - 8
Days: Aug: 26 - 25 - 24 - 23 - 22 - 21 - 20 - 19 - 18 - 17 - 16 - 15 - 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
July: 31 - 30 - 29 - 28 - 27 - 26 - 25 - 24 - 23 - 22 - 21 - 20 - 19 - 18 - 17 - 16 - 15 - 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 - 9 - 8